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service process design

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                                          service process design

Creation (creation) mostly involves effective output rate, time, cost, quality, etc.

3. Appropriate organizational structure and greatly improve the operating efficiency of service operations. If the relevant IT technology is relatively lacking or insufficient, investment must be increased. 1. Clarify a goal, purpose, or mission [1]

When designing a service process, it is necessary to clarify the mission, purpose, strategic planning, and target requirements of the service organization, and clearly define the basic elements and attributes of input-processing-output based on the above-mentioned basic elements, so that the executors can more clearly define the goals and missions of the service organization .

2. Identify internal needs and capability elements

The content of service process design must meet the internal needs of the service organization and its related capabilities in order to improve service quality and efficiency. These elements cultural environment

It must be suitable for the organizational structure and cultural environment. Among them, the organizational structure involves hardware facilities such as technical systems or special skills (such as software development, actuarial calculation, data statistics, accounting, etc.), and also includes some software content, such as organizational mission, functional characteristics, team Or team structure (such as R&D team, purchasing team, marketing team, etc.), and at the same time must take into account the requirements of organic integration of software and hardware and their interlacing, and strive to form a unique cultural atmosphere.

4. Analysis of existing or available technical capabilities

Existing technologies or available technical capabilities must be analyzed during service process design. The application of IT technology has enabled the development of data entry from manual transcription to electronic media

This stage is the initial generation of the concept, which is closely related to the output plan, and will be repeatedly studied in the two stages of creation and reflection. This is the process of testing and retesting ideas and concepts. In this process we are not looking for ways to avoid all kinds of mistakes, but to find as many kinds of mistakes as possible and improve them before the project is finally completed. The cost of constant iterative changes during the trial phase of the concept design is nothing compared to the cost after the concept fails. There are many projects that are far from expectations during implementation because problems were not discovered in time in the early stage, and the effect is even worse than the original service system.

After getting some results from the previous research, the second step is not to find out the solution directly, but to find the problem and have a clear understanding of the overall situation from the perspective of existing customers and potential customers of a certain service, so Service design at this stage uses a wide range of methods and tools from different disciplines to explore and understand the behavior and thinking of all those involved. For example, user portraits, user journeys, user expectation maps, etc. The third step is to 'draw' and visualize these findings, drawing as much as possible on the underlying structure of the existing service, i.e. potentially changing aspects of the service proposition that may not be functioning properly. This stage is to perfect the concept and framework of the preliminary plan previously conceived, and test the simulation. There may be many problems at this stage, and we need to continuously improve the plan or even re-propose new ideas. In this stage, after the overall framework is established, some users or experts can be invited to experience, and the entire service can be continuously improved through feedback. Prototyping service concepts is a very important situation. Service design thinking uses different approaches to staging and role-playing, from theater to specific service scenarios, and helps to bring together the important emotional aspects of personal interactions with the service proposition.


(mock test)


The final concept is based on the service concept proposed in the previous phases, in which concept implementation needs to be clearly communicated and needs to include the emotional aspect of the service - the desired customer experience. In this process, besides customers, employees are also important participants. Their motivation and participation are critical for sustainable service delivery. Therefore, the way of communication and display can also be coordinated using many tools, such as service blueprints, storyboards, videos, and so on.

2. Service Design Elements

If the analogy of interaction design is to design complex behaviors, five elements should be considered: people, purpose, action, media and tools (means), and contexts; service design is the system’s Design, the corresponding elements include: stakeholders (stakeholders), touch points (touchpoints), services (offering), process (process).


Interaction design, experience design, etc. take the user as the design object and the only core stakeholder; while service design needs to comprehensively consider all stakeholders, how to make all stakeholders efficient and happy through design complete the service process. Stakeholders can be divided into core stakeholders, direct stakeholders and indirect stakeholders according to the degree of close connection with services. Taking the Didi Xiaoju charging service as an example, the stakeholders of this service include drivers, charging pile operators, engineering inspectors, Didi design and development team, Didi operation team, etc.


The touch point literally means the place where things touch each other, and in service design, it is the carrier for stakeholders to interact with the service system. Touchpoints can be tangible or intangible. As shown in the figure below, there are many types of touchpoints, which can be roughly divided into physical touchpoints, digital touchpoints, emotional touchpoints, invisible touchpoints, and fusion touchpoints. For example, the contact point of the taxi payment service link can be an online payment application, offline cash, or an invisible contact point such as a reminder from the driver. The selection and design of touch points is one of the important links in service design.


The object of service design is not a single touch point, but a systematic and dynamic process composed of multiple touch points. The rhythm of the service system, each contact point, the division and organization of service stages are all important considerations in service design. For example, in the payment link of Didi Taxi, whether this service is designed to arrive at the destination, or after getting off the car, or even before the next taxi, the change of service process and rhythm has a great impact on the experience.

●Service Offering

When designing a service system, the most essential element is service. For example, the service provided by Didi in the early days was to call taxis online. After business expansion, it now provides travel services, and provides differentiated services to meet various scenarios and needs. travel needs of users.

3. Service Design Principles

Based on the characteristics of service design, service design or service design thinking has five widely recognized principles: user-centered, collaborative innovation, orderly, tangible, and holistic.


The design concept of user-centered (UCD) has been widely used in product design, interaction design and other fields, and there is no exception in the field of service design to implement the principle of user-centered. The participation of users makes the service system form a closed loop. One of the important principles of service design is to be user-centered, gain insight into user needs, and optimize the overall service experience.


In the service system, there are not only (visible) consumers (service users), but also multi-stakeholders such as service providers and managers. If the degree of participation of various stakeholders in the service design process is fully mobilized, more comprehensive design concepts can be obtained from more angles.

Therefore, in addition to design, service designers also need to have organizational skills to stimulate the creativity of various stakeholders, so as to mobilize the enthusiasm of various stakeholders to participate in the service design process.了解服务设计及其原则

●Ordered Sequencing

A complete service system is composed of multiple service stages and multiple contact points, and must follow a certain service process. It is a dynamic process within a period of time. The timeline is very important to users, and the rhythm of the service will greatly affect the user's emotions. Service design should consider the rhythm brought to users by each link, make precise rhythm control, and connect every point of user-service interaction.

●Visible Evidencing

In the service system, many services are carried out invisibly in the background. This requires the intangible services to be embodied to a certain extent, so as to increase the user's perception of the service.


Service design is the design of a system, not just the interaction of a certain contact point; the objects of service design are not only users (consumers), but also multi-stakeholders such as service providers and system managers, so when doing service design, you need a global Think, consider the problem holistically.

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